Spectral Integral Suite in C++
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBcMatBcMat will hold general Boundary conditions as LinopMats at evealuation points, as given by operator L and evaluation points, eval
 CBcMat< std::complex< T > >
 CChebfunThis is a chebfun analogue. Chebfun will represent both values in physical space or an array of Chebyshev-coefficients. Values can be in either space for calculations. To convert between physical values or Chebyshev coefficients, one can call Chebfun.c2p() and Chebfun.p2c()
 CChebfun< std::complex< T > >Chebfun overload to complex type
 CChebfunMatThis class holds a matrix of Chebfuns
 CChebfunMat< std::complex< T > >ChebfunMat overloaded to complex type
 CDiscretizeGiven a linear block matrix operator and appropriate boundary conditions, this class will produce an Eigen matrix representing the discretized version. The implementation will naturally involve column pivoting, and the pivot matrix is also stored
 CDiscretize< std::complex< T > >Given a linear block matrix operator and appropriate boundary conditions, this class will produce an Eigen matrix representing the discretized version. The implementation will naturally involve column pivoting, and the pivot matrix is also stored
 CEigenSolverThis class computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors (functions) of a Linear operator Linop. See documentation of Eigen on how to access eigenvalues and eigen vectors
 CEigenSolver< std::complex< T > >This class computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors (functions) of a Linear operator Linop, overloaded to a complex Linop
 CEigenSorterThis class stores functions and values needed to sort Eigenvalues
 CGeneralizedEigenSolverThis class will solve the generalized eigenvalue problem for two linear operators. One of them can be singular
 CGeneralizedEigenSolver< std::complex< T > >
 CLinopLinop This class creates a Linear operator to solve TPBVPs
 CLinop< std::complex< T > >Overloads the Linop class to complex type
 CLinopMatThis class represents a block matrix operator. It is a matrix of operators
 CLinopMat< std::complex< T > >This class represents a block matrix operator. It is a matrix of operators
 CMatGenThis class sets up integration Matrices. This class must be intiated by the highest order of based on which integration matrices will be made
 CMatGen< std::complex< T > >This class sets up integration Matrices. This class must be intiated by the highest order of based on which integration matrices will be made
 CnChoosekClass to compute binomial coefficients \( \binom{n}{k} \) returns a double output
 CnChoosek< std::complex< T > >Class to compute binomial coefficients \( \binom{n}{k} \), returns complex<double> output
 CSingularValueDecompositionThis class computes various SingularValues of a differential block matrix operator using using it's adjoint. Class has various utilities, like computing the adjoint, adjoint boundary conditions, and also computing singular values of the frequency response operator
 CSingularValueDecomposition< std::complex< T > >This class computes various SingularValues of a differential block matrix operator using using it's adjoint. Class has various utilities, like computing the adjoint, adjoint boundary conditions, and also computing singular values of the frequency response operator