Spectral Integral Suite in C++
plotlyPlots Namespace Reference


 mesh = meshio.read('../data/Ex11vec_noscale0385.vtk')
 points = mesh.points
 pressure = mesh.point_data['pressure']
 velocity = mesh.point_data['Velocity']

Variable Documentation

◆ default


Definition at line 17 of file plotlyPlots.py.

◆ fig

Initial value:
1 = go.Figure(data=go.Isosurface(
2  x= points[:,0],
3  z=points[:,1],
4  y=points[:,2],
5  colorscale=[[1,'rgb(0,255,0)'],[1,'rgb(255,0,0)']],
6  showscale=False,
7  lighting=dict(specular=0.5,ambient=0.8),
8  value=velocity[:,0],
9  isomin=-0.006,
10  isomax=0.006,
11  caps=dict(x_show=False, y_show=False,z_show=False)
12 ))

Definition at line 19 of file plotlyPlots.py.

◆ mesh

plotlyPlots.mesh = meshio.read('../data/Ex11vec_noscale0385.vtk')

Definition at line 6 of file plotlyPlots.py.

◆ points

plotlyPlots.points = mesh.points

Definition at line 8 of file plotlyPlots.py.

◆ pressure

plotlyPlots.pressure = mesh.point_data['pressure']

Definition at line 10 of file plotlyPlots.py.

◆ scene


Definition at line 34 of file plotlyPlots.py.

◆ title


Definition at line 33 of file plotlyPlots.py.

◆ velocity

plotlyPlots.velocity = mesh.point_data['Velocity']

Definition at line 12 of file plotlyPlots.py.